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The Waiting – Part 1

This time of year you always hear about all the Christmas ‘bustle’ and busy-ness. We’re frantic to get our shopping done…to make preparations to travel to see family and friends…to get ready for the arrival of guests. Make no mistake, the holidays are high stress. We can be frantic, frazzled, and frustrated. And yet, amid all those things is embedded one great irony: We always seem to be waiting on something or someone! We wait on a package to arrive. We wait on family to get there. We wait for our day(s) off. We’re waiting… And the waiting is really the hardest part.
The old Christmas carol nails it – “Long lay the world, in sin and error pining…till HE appeared…” Did you now that when baby Jesus was born, the world had not heard any new word from God in almost 400 years? Talk about a wait! This series is about that wait. We take four very revealing looks at ‘The Waiting’ and find many simple, yet profound applications to today’s life.