Prayer Requests

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Prayer For Others:
Husbands salvation
Submitted By:Kimberly
Prayer Request:Prayer request for my husband, Tim. I am asking for prayer that ALL false witnesses, stumbling blocks, hindrances, interferences, distractions in his life be removed immediately in Jesus’ name. Pray that God will remove every person, place, thing in Tim’s life that is not of Him or from Him. Pray that God will bring Tim to the knowledge of the truth, the truth of how much God loves him, that all doubt of his worthiness of being loved by God and of being saved & completely free be destroyed. Pray God will remove ALL confusion and doubt caused by the enemy in Jesus name. Pray that God will speak to him with his word, putting it heavy on his heart & mind. Pray that God will bring a man of God into his life to pray with him and for him. He is surrounded by stumbling blocks all day every day. He needs a Godly man brought into his path so desperately. Pray that God will break Tim’s heart for this sinful life that he is living to turn him away from the power of satan unto him. Please pray that God will specifically remove Dustin, Koby, Jeremy, Josh, Kerri, Catherine, Adam, Christy, Joe, Linda, from Tim’s life, for the false witnesses, stumbling blocks, selfishness, love of money, material things, lying, drugs, unfaithfulness, neglect that they have brought into his life. Pray for conviction in all of them, God knows who they ALL are, that they will all come to the knowledge of the truth themselves and turn from the power of satan unto God.
Pray that God will remove Tim from his employer, which also is a huge stumbling block in his life. It has become an idol. He puts his job before everything else, his marriage, his family and everything that should matter. Pray that God will convict Tim for the idols he has made of his hobbies, love of money, love of material things, and for not being a husband to provide for his own. He has denied me help financially, repayment of medical insurance I have paid, money I have loaned him when he had no income during the winter months, for himself, his hobbies, his friends, drugs, & material things. Pray that God will show him this is wrong. Pray that God will soften Tim’s heart for me & our marriage. He is denying reconciliation because of his selfishness, his love of money, his hobbies, these people and this job. He is totally dependent on this job in every way= he lives on the property rent free, he uses the company trucks for personal use, he has no bills, and has literally spent every penny he has made the past 15 months, pray that God will open his eyes to see the trap that he has fallen into from the enemy.
Pray for a supernatural breakthrough in Tim. That God will bring Tim to his senses & turn him from the power of satan unto Him in Jesus name.