Prayer Requests

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Prayer For Others:
For my mother
Submitted By:Alla Lujan
Prayer Request:Dear Church family, could you pls keep my mom in your prayers: - I have copied her message from Facebook that she shared:

Well, here is the latest.

I saw the Endocrinologist last week and had an ultrasound of my thyroid today. He had told me (as I had seen in my research) that it is rarely thyroid cancer and even if it is that it is very slow growing and easy to treat. So there is that, nonetheless please pray that it will not be another cancer. I see him again on Tuesday to get the results of the ultrasound.

Today I also saw the Neurologist, which I was hoping would be a blow-off appointment....not so, unfortunately. She did several things during the exam, including having me stand with my bare feet close together and close my eyes....I fell over! I couldn’t believe I did that nor how quickly it happened. So she concluded that my balance is definitely a problem, lol. She also said the neuropathy in my feet is much worse than I had thought (probably from the chemo but could also be exacerbated other health issues). Based on those two things she wants me to limit my driving or stop. ?. (She has ordered a nerve test.).

She also reviewed the CT I had last month and told me how bad my neck is as a result of my Rheumatoid Arthritis, she speculated that is probably the case all down my spine. She has order an MRI to further investigate that area (scheduled for next Tuesday). She discussed my sleep apnea and has ordered a new sleep study since my last one was about 17 years ago. I think she is hoping that resolution to my sleeping problems will help with my balance.

Finally she told me the severe numbness due to carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist means I should be sleeping with a wrist splint. Don’t know why that didn’t occur to me before...I know this. UGH.

Oh, she also order a few blood tests...LIKE 16 VIALS WORTH!!! She attached picture! ?

(I also see my Rheumatologist next week and will talk more about how bad my RA is and my hands.).

Thank you so much for all your prayers.